Triggered 2020 explained

Hot on the festival trail, the Triggered movie blew up Grimmfest with its suicide bomb-laden story. The action and horror movie is set for release in the USA in November 2020. Triggered takes a handful of teens, sticks them in the wilderness, and straps a bunch of bombs to them.

Director Alastair Orr (Indigenous) and writer David D. Jones (Between the Trees) even manage to get a narrative into this run-of-the-mill mash-up and it surprisingly holds up well. Triggered could have been an absolute disaster of a storyline. Fortunately, it takes a familiar video game-like structure and meshes it into a chaotic version of murder in the backwoods. Kind of like a version of a laser tag slasher with lots of conversation instead of running.

A rogue science teacher ruminates on the best way to get retribution for an incident from the previous year. To ensure his victims plot against each other he drops a couple of clues before showing the youngsters that his bombs are real. The only way to survive the game is to take someone else’s time. The only way to take their time is by being the closest one to them with they die. Each suicide vest is equipped with a timer and, each member of the group quickly becomes aware that taking someone out entitles you to whatever is left on their clock.

Tick, Tick, Tick Boom, Movies Where Things Get Blown Up

Performances in the Triggered movie range from seasoned actors and actresses to first-timers. There’s plenty of screaming, shouting, and yelling, and some terrible jokes thrown in for good measure. But with the back-stabbing, manipulation, and death count, there is much for the casual horror viewer with a penchant for action to like. Granted, Triggered isn’t likely to make you jaw-droppingly aghast with its plot twists. What you will get, is 90 minutes of entertainment and some solid cinematography and effects. In addition, there are ample explosions to add to the mix, and who doesn’t like to see a bunch of twatty high schoolers getting blown to smithereens from time to time?

Despite the joke here and there, that falls flat on its face, there are plenty of zingy one-liners and movie references for those that like that kind of thing. The finale didn’t completely find its feet but overall, Triggered is a pleasant time passer and has loads of stuff you’ve seen before in a new dynamic.

I give Triggered

3 Bad Johnny Depp jokes out of 5

Triggered Streaming

“Triggered” brings an innovative twist to the table. In this low-budget elimination horror film filmmakers add a new layer of innovation waiting to see who will blow up next. Have you seen In a Violent Nature, watch this 2024 slasher title next.

Movie Trailer

Triggered 2020 action and horror movie
Action and horror movies 2020

Triggered 2020 Movie

  • Director: Alastair Orr
  • Screenwriter: David D. Jones
  • Producer: Ariye Mahdeb
  • Executive Producer: Alastair Orr
  • Cast: Liesl Ahlers, Sean Cameron Michael, Reine Swart
  • Distributed by Samuel Goldwyn Films
  • Mother of Movies acquired Triggered as part of the official press for Grimmfest 2020 for review purposes.