Under normal circumstances, hatching is an art term where shading affects the overall picture. The same can be said for the movie, by director Hanna Bergholms, Hatching. The 2022 body horror and creature feature really can be split into two tonal elements. One is about a young girl’s coming-of-age journey where she has been inflicted with the curse of an egotistic monster who is also coincidentally her mother. The other is a pretty neat monster movie where a girl finds and hatches an egg only to discover a hideous murderous monster inside that thinks she is her mother.
The cracks form early on when Tinja comes home to discover her idyllic and social media-forward presence in her mother’s life is anything but perfect. She watches her mother locking lips with the handyman only for her to stop and question her about why she is still in her gym clothes. Instead of promising this intruder, that Tero won’t cause further infractions to her perfect family, her mother makes her promise she won’t tell. Tinja is also a promising gymnast. As she tries to perfect gymnastic moves unsuccessfully over and over until her hands blister, her new friend completes them with ease.
Hatching Eggs
You can find meaning in the set backdrops used to paint a picture of what might be happening for Tinja as her mother replaces her with a better version of herself. She finds love with Tero who is a widower and also has a baby daughter to raise. Tinja’s mother adorns the walls of the nursery with the very same wallpaper as Tinja’s. She coos and fusses over the newborn girl as Tinja tries desperately to receive the same praise. Meanwhile, the hatched bird she found and hides away is growing into a monstrous beast, with sharp claws and a voracious appetite.
Hatching Movie Monster
It’s easy to make the connection between the bird and this young girl. But whether there is both a bird and a young girl or just a girl who is slowly descending into the monster’s form is sometimes unclear. This becomes especially murky at the end of Hatching when the mother sees both the mirror image of her daughter and her daughter in the same moment. Despite a battle between them all as the father and brother stand almost idly by, there is the notion that there is only supposed to be one Tinja. As a body horror, the film works well, and the monster rips apart to become the image of the girl who doesn’t want to be replaced.
Overall, the Hatching movie is a lovely rendition of themes plenty of us have seen before. There are nods to films like ET given the monster wears a dress with flowers and Thelma which amplifies the theme of birds into a different realm. Performances are amazingly convincing leaving a tiny fragment of empathy for the mother even though she is narcissistic. We all want our turn to fly, and here it seems no one gets to.
Hatching is rated
3.5 fake lifestyle blogs out of 5

Hatching Movie Cast
- Directed by: Hanna Bergholm
- Written By: Ilja Rautsi
- The cast of Hatching film 2022: Siiri Solalinna, Sophia Heikkilä, Jani Volanen, Oiva Ollila, Reino Nordin
- Produced by: Mika Ritalahti, Nico Ritalahti, Nima Yousefi
- Cinematographer: Jarkko T. Laine F.S.C.
- Creature Effects Supervisor: Gustav Hoegen (Star Wars, Jurassic World)
- The release date for the Hatching movie to VOD/DVD is 17th May 2022 in the USA and the Au premiere is Sunday 8th May at Event Cinemas for MonsterFest. Distributed by IFC Midnight, the Hatching movie was provided as a screener for review consideration.

Where Can I watch the movie “Hatching”?
The movie Hatching is available to watch as a rental or by buying the DVD as well as VOD. Check the link for more options in your region.
The Hatching movie was acquired as a screener for review purposes. Distributed by IFC Midnight, you can find heaps of reviews for more films on Mother of Movies.
Hatching 2022 movie Where To Watch: