Fried Barry Movie Wants to Show You What It’s Like to Be Dead Inside
A drug addict gets body-snatched by extraterrestrials in Fried Barry. Screened at virtual Cannes & Fantasia Fest 2020. Trip out with Barry.
A drug addict gets body-snatched by extraterrestrials in Fried Barry. Screened at virtual Cannes & Fantasia Fest 2020. Trip out with Barry.
The Special wants you to know this is a movie with a happy ending. Just not the type of happy you’re used to. Directed by B. Harrison Smith.
An Ideal Host movie is a comedy horror indie Australian film by a director from Perth. Robert Woods (director) & Jacob Tyler Woods (writer.)
Triggered takes a bunch of teens, sticks them in the woods & straps bombs to them. Action movies with horror and bombs.
Inspired by H.P Lovecraft, The Deep Ones movie by writer-director Chad Ferrin. A sleepy town befriends a husband & wife on holiday
They Reach adventure & horror movie directed-written by Sylas Dall & co-writer Bry Troyer. An independent film about a possessed tape player.
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