Nancy 2018, Is She Really The Child That Went Missing?
Is Nancy someone who believes she is the missing child of a couple from 30 years ago or a master manipulator? Spoiler movie review Nancy 2018.
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Is Nancy someone who believes she is the missing child of a couple from 30 years ago or a master manipulator? Spoiler movie review Nancy 2018.
The Trebek Technique is a 15-minute short film from writer/director Damian Harris. A story about Gracie who discovers she has a very big problem following an accident.
Hell Fest movie has an all-star cast. A film about live haunts incl. Bex Taylor-Klaus. It’s a haunted house movie that most people will love.
David Black brings you the Australian pilot Horror House. Count Fungoula & Mistress Boobiyana bring Aussie indie horror short films to TV
All Light Will End from Gravitas Ventures. Ashley Pereira stars as a young author hiding a secret. Returning home, she finds herself haunted
Pledge movie follows a group of college freshmen who pledge an exclusive fraternity. How far would you go to be popular? Is hazing real?