The Night Comes For Us Film Is A Hectic Gorefest
The Night Comes For Us sees Ito, an enforcer, for the South Asian Triad. A mission to eliminate a village, returns Ito to a war where he is now the target.
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The Night Comes For Us sees Ito, an enforcer, for the South Asian Triad. A mission to eliminate a village, returns Ito to a war where he is now the target.
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Carl Sundström is a Swedish director & Finally Alone is 1 minute & 25 seconds. All his short films are taut, scary, and atmospheric.
Fresh from Shriekfest 2018 Soul to Keep is an original idea to bring horror to the deaf with a unique story. Directed by David Allensworth and Moniere.
Boo! Indie filmmaker Luke Jaden tells you a story about a Halloween chain letter. Find out how Jaden came to make horror movies so young.
Welcome to Mercy movie follows a single mother experiencing symptoms of the stigmata. Religious horror movies that don’t rely on jump-scares.