Online Edition Grimmfest 2020 Horror Highlights
Grimmfest is one of the best genre film festivals. 2020 see the event move to an online edition. But which films should you watch?
Grimmfest is one of the best genre film festivals. 2020 see the event move to an online edition. But which films should you watch?
Ten Minutes to Midnight is written & directed by Erik Bloomquist with co-writer Carson Bloomquist. A movies about vampires, or is it?
Alive is a South Korean zombie movie on Netflix. Should you stream it? Are all zombie movies created equal?
A psychological horror-thriller movie, The Honeymoon Phase wants to ponder whether the honeymoon phase can last or be controlled.
Host released in 2020 & is available to watch on the Shudder platform. But what about other terrifying stoylines that feature cyberspace?
Hail to the Deadites is a documentary film for the fans of everything the Evil Dead movie franchise has to offer. Especially Ash Vs Evil Dead