Even Lambs Have Teeth Poster

Available on Amazon Prime, a film in the arena for “revenge movies”, Even Lambs Have Teeth is an indie revenge flick. With the popularity of films like I Spit On Your Grave and Revenge it’s easy to say extreme horror fans like this type of narrative. Performances in the “Even Lambs Have Teeth” film are slightly akin to the efforts of a drama school production. Lead characters have the propensity to be annoying and their diatribe and attitudes were hardly realistic. But if you can’t rely on violent cinema being a little far-fetched, what can you rely on?

Even Lambs Have Teeth isn’t the greatest example of high-brow horror. But like many slashers, the payoff is worth the wait. The title includes strong female protagonists to weigh up against a group of weirdo psychopaths living in isolation. Despite being a film overly reliant on terrible situations like rape dens and bad guys running around in pig masks, Even Lambs Have Teeth doesn’t get off on the visual aspects normally reserved for this type of film.

The film’s poster makes it look like you’ll be in for a blood bath but the filmmakers decided to dial back the gratuitous violence. This leaves those looking for that sort of display slightly disappointed. As a low-budget horror movie, it does do most of what it sets up for effectively. But, if you just want to kick back and see a vigilante rape-revenge movie led by two hot chicks, look no further because this particular film has that down.

Even Lambs Have Teeth movie still
#evenlambshaveteeth (indie revenge movies)

Even Lambs Have Teeth Storyline

The story for Even Lambs Have Teeth starts with Sloane and Katie who want some money to go shopping in New York. Does their need to buy fancy things make them innocent lambs? I’m going to have to say yes. To tie a remote location to this shopping adventure, they decided they should work on a remote farm to raise some money. They decide on an organic one that needs some helpers and off they go.

If you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to do a job like this as I have once — fruit picking, I’m not sure a few weeks digging in some dirt would amount to much. I highly doubt it’s enough to go to New York, but it may be enough to buy a bag of apples. But I digress.

Have A Safety Word

Katie’s uncle is an FBI agent and the two girls let him know their plans right before they set off. Together they forge a plan of special safety code words, just in case something bad should happen to either of them on their farm stay. They choose the word “apples” which unsurprisingly is not actually that easy to use in a sentence while kidnapped.

Of course, they are kidnapped before they even leave the nearest pit stop. The girls immediately get into a car with strangers who just happen to have a rape dungeon on a property that uses shipping containers to house their guests. The code word orchestrated by Uncle FBI doesn’t work because it’s a shite plan. Once the girls are captured, guests of the men who own the property get invited to use the rape dungeon shipping containers. They wear masks straight out of any Leatherface franchise film. Cool and scary, but unoriginal.

Dungeons in the Form of Shipping Containers

The orchestrated e dungeons are the strongest part of the story. But we never find out why, how long, or what these people’s motivation is. Are the men also trying to save money for a shopping adventure or are they supplying a service? It’s never explained. Whether the whole nearby town was in on this backpacker hostage deal or whether it’s a family affair is never revealed.

What Even Lambs Have Teeth focuses on is Sloane and Katie’s ability to kick some ass. They ultimately enact their revenge and let out their lamb-like anger. They are both angry at not being able to go to New York to shop now and of course, angry at being raped in shipping container dungeons. Instead of a graphic visual of the heinous acts, we are shown the aftermath alongside some very dark humor.

Voyeuristic scenes in movies like this are rarely required, especially if the story is good and the tension matches it. In this case, a few scenes of high-impact gore or tension-filled violence might have given it something to remember. There was plenty of revenge-centric hammer time to go with but I’m assuming the budget had something to do with this.

The editing in Even Lamb Have Teeth is jarring and instead of giving a rough-around-the-edges personal view, instead lets the film down. Editing was accomplished by Terry Miles who also did the writing and directing, and perhaps took on too much here.

Can You Drink Wine & Watch Revenge Movies?

It’s a shame really because those looking for another revenge flick to pass the time will see that it has good ideas that were poorly executed. But! If you are wanting a film where drinking won’t affect the overall viewing of a movie to watch on a Saturday night, then this could be a winner.

Even Lambs Have Teeth’s saving grace is the killer soundtrack. It’s films like this that usually churn out a non-existent score or some bad-sounding synth. Instead, some great tracks surprised me as well as suited events.

The Even Lambs Have Teeth movie is rated

2 they’re not even really lambs out of 5

2 stars out of 5 on Mother of Movies
2 stars out of 5 on Mother of Movies
Mother of Movies score

Where Can I Watch Even Lambs Have Teeth

Even Lambs Have Teeth was released on DVD and cable in 2017. It was produced by Backup Media and WTFilms. The director/writer is Terry Mills and the Even Lambs Have Teeth Cast includes Kirsten Zien and Tiera Skovbye. For more streaming options, see the link below and check it out for yourself.

Even Lambs Have Teeth Movie Trailer

Even Lambs Have Teeth, Kirsten Zien and Tiera Skovbye
Kirsten Zien and Tiera Skovbye