Shepard (2020) A Quiet Thriller of Torment and Redemption
Movie review for Shepard. (Gravitas Ventures) A revenge thriller film about what happens when you give as good as you get.
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Movie review for Shepard. (Gravitas Ventures) A revenge thriller film about what happens when you give as good as you get.
Why Don’t You Just Die (Daddy, Die) by Kirill Sokolov. A Russian language film promises those with a penchant for spatter type crazy a bloody good time.
Mass Hysteria takes aim at the Witches of Salem and embarks on a gruesome and fun-filled story about witch hunts. A comedy horror movie
Writer-director Jason Lei Howden brings you Guns Akimbo. Starring Samara Weaving & Daniel Radcliffe, add this to your watch list pronto
The Invisible Man is a film inspired by a well-known villain. Here it highlights the narcissistic abuse cycle within the horror genre.
Swallow is a psychological horror movie. One woman’s struggle to regain control of her seemingly perfect life. A dark boundary-pushing film.