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Uncle Peckerhead: A Hilarious Horror-Comedy Ride

Uncle Peckerhead review, horror comedy 2020

In the quirky and entertaining film “Uncle Peckerhead“, a hillbilly roadie living in his van unexpectedly becomes the lifeline for a struggling punk band named DUH. Judy, Max, and Mel, determined to achieve success, find themselves at a crossroads when their tour vehicle is repossessed. Little do they know that their fortunes are about to change with the arrival of their peculiar roadie, Peckerhead.

Despite its unconventional title, Uncle Peckerhead is not to be dismissed. This horror comedy offers a refreshing twist, blending humor and scares into a hilarious monster movie experience. Directed by the talented team behind the camera, this film sets out to entertain and does not disappoint.

It is worth noting that while horror-comedy may not be everyone’s cup of tea, Uncle Peckerhead manages to strike a unique balance that keeps audiences engaged and entertained. The film embraces its absurdity, providing laughs and unexpected twists continuously throughout the entire horror movie.

From the disappointingly low-paying gigs to the shocking encounter with their ripped-off agent, Uncle Peckerhead takes DUH on an eventful ride filled with laughs, thrills, and a dash of the unexpected. Judy and her bandmates navigate the ups and downs of their musical journey alongside the unorthodox Uncle Peckerhead and this title is both memorable and a must-watch.

Embrace the unexpected and give Uncle Peckerhead a chance—you might just find yourself immersed in a wildly entertaining horror-comedy adventure. Don’t judge a film by its title; this one is worth the ride!

Find out more about monster movies and explore the best horror and thriller movies of 2020.

Horror Comedy Movies With Rock Music Like Uncle Peckerhead

Special effects are not the type of fancy practical applications that make you gasp at their realism. Instead, the filmmakers opt for tonnes of bright red blood spray. They then generally spray it out of whatever orifice is being ripped off. There are plenty of torn-out spinal cords and, eye-gouging. There is even one lovely moment where a heart being eaten doesn’t agree with our demon’s tummy and he proceeds to shower the room in a delightful brown clotted mist.

Nevertheless, Peckerhead’s likability is what saves this from being obnoxious. There is a certain empathy to relate to Uncle Peckerhead. Even his explanation for his chosen moniker is lined with a certain sadness. After all, his daddy called him Peckerhead for his whole life.

Despite Judy’s desire to leave Peck behind, her bandmates buy his story. He states that he has his affliction under control. Also, he would never eat Judy, Max, or Mel. What’s more, he proves himself to be handy when it comes to selling DUH merch and riling up the crowd.

I almost expected him to fall off the stage given his previous clumsiness but alas he just musically ripped it up.

The Uncle Peckerhead film is rated

4 giant nose rings out of 5

Mother of Movies score
3.5 Skulls out of 5
3.5 Skulls out of 5
Unlce Peckerhead movie
Uncle Peckerhead movie

Jeff Riddle Is A Real Muso

Max, played by Jeff Riddle, stars as the band’s guitarist and singer and wrote the music that features in this ironically silly horror movie. Subsequently, he has an album, DESTROY, which you can listen to for free online. I went looking for it because I really enjoyed his singing voice in Uncle Peckerhead.

Matthew John Lawrence penned and directed a short film called “Larry Gone Demon” back in 2015. Obviously, the spawn of the feature film, Mother of Movies located the full short film for you to watch. The full movie for Uncle Peckerhead is written and directed by Lawrence.

Produced by Subtle T-Rex and distributed by Epic Pictures

Uncle Peckerhead Full Movie Trailer

The Uncle Peckerhead movie is available to watch in the USA on most streaming platforms like Prime Video and TubiTv for free.

Watch “Larry Gone Demon” 2015 Full Short Film

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